Adult Recovery Unit
The Adult Recovery Unit (ARU) is a 24-hour residential treatment facility located in Waynesville, North Carolina. The ARU is an alternative to hospitalization for adults in crisis, age 18-64, who have mental health and/or substance use challenges or an intellectual/developmental disability. A versatile treatment team, under the direction of a psychiatrist, provides individuals on the ARU with the following support:
Psychiatric evaluation
Medication management
Individual and group counseling
Wellness education
Aftercare planning is a priority and begins upon admittance to the ARU to increase the success of a smooth transition and continuation of services following discharge. The average length of stay on the ARU is 5-7 days, but will depend on the identified crisis and the needs of the individual.
Special consideration will be given to individuals with IV drug abuse and women who are pregnant with substance abuse issues.
Consideration for ARU admissions occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To access this service, contact the Appalachian Community Services, Mobile Crisis Management team at 888-315-2880.

Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient (SAIOP)​
SAIOP is a structured service that is provided at an outpatient center designed to help adults begin their recovery and learn skills for recovery maintenance. SAIOP is offered at least 3 hours a day, at least 3 days a week, with no more than 2 consecutive days between offered services. Group counseling is provided each day SAIOP services are offered.
SAIOP includes, but is not limited to, the following services:
Individual counseling and support
Group counseling and support
Family counseling, training or support
Biochemical tests to identify recent drug use (e.g. urine drug screens)
Strategies for relapse prevention to include community and social support systems in treatment
Life skills
Crisis contingency planning
Disease Management
Treatment support activities that have been adapted or specifically designed for persons with physical disabilities, or persons with co-occurring disorders of mental illness and substance abuse/dependence or mental retardation/developmental disability and substance abuse/dependence.

DWI Assessment and Treatment
Anyone convicted of a Driving While Impaired (DWI) in North Carolina is required to complete a DWI assessment followed by recommended treatment. Our assessments are completed by Licensed Clinicians that specialize in addiction.
The following treatment may be recommended following the completion of a DWI assessment:
DWI Classes
Prime for Life (ADETS)
DWI Individual or Family Counseling
Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient (SAIOP)
DWI Services are provided at the following Appalachian Community Services locations:
750 US Highway 64 West, Murphy, NC
100 Teptal Terrace, Bryson City, NC
91 Timberlane Rd, Waynesville, NC
100 Thomas Heights, Franklin, NC
If you require a DWI assessment, contact us at 828-837-0071, extension 2879 to schedule an appointment.

Jail Based Services
Jail Based Services were created as a result of collaboration between Appalachian Community Services (ACS), the Departments of Social Services and the Sheriff Departments of Clay, Cherokee, Graham, Swain, and Macon Counties.
Through the Jail Based program, substance use and mental health services are provided to inmates in their detention facilities rather than following their release.
Why Jail Based Services?
Delaying mental health and substance use treatment results in parents spending additional months in treatment after they have been released, resulting in children spending longer than necessary periods of time in out of home placements.
Jail can be a place where people can get the help they need - and treatment is available to address the mental health and substance use problems continuing to circulate through detention centers repeatedly.
The continued support of this service has allowed ACS to maintain our focus of linking inmates to appropriate treatment and community resources to assist in community reintegration.
Medication Treatment
Psychological Testing
Supervised Living